Current & Ongoing Consultations

Call for Sites 

East Staffordshire Borough Council planning policy team are currently looking for sites which could provide opportunities for new jobs, new homes, tree planting and biodiversity, open space, renewable energy generation, shopping and leisure uses in the next 20 years. Especially land which has previously been developed and would now be called brownfield land. 

If you have a site(s) which you would like to be considered in the next Local Plan please complete the online form, sites can be submitted at any time however as some of the information will be used for our yearly annual monitoring which ends each year on 31st March, information submitted after 31st March may not be included until the following year.  

At present we are experiencing difficulties receiving digital shapefile uploads for the site plans and additional documents via the website, please email these directly to

If you have any difficulty using the online form, please contact

Previous Consultations

Draft Separation Distances and Amenity Supplementary Planning Document Consultation June 2024 (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council (ESBC) is proposing to revise the Separation Distance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and is inviting views on the draft document.  

The Separation Distance and Amenity SPD is an important part of the guidance framework for the ESBC Local Plan. It provides advice on spacing standards for new residential developments to ensure that existing and future residents have a good level of amenity and privacy to enjoy the place where they live. 

ESBC already has an adopted Separation Distance and Amenity SPD but this revised version includes updates to help assess material loss of light to principal windows of adjacent dwellings.

This updated document should be read as a whole, but some of the critical changes have been highlighted for convenience.

The SPD cannot introduce new policy, but it can help to define how existing policies in the Local Plan will be interpreted.

The consultation on the Draft SPD will run for six weeks from 9am Friday 7th June 2024 to 5pm Friday 19th July 2024. Please make any comments to:

The Draft Separation Distance and Amenity SPD (2024) can be viewed here.

A copy of the Draft SPD can be viewed by appointment at East Staffordshire Borough Council, The Town Hall, King Edward Place, Burton upon Trent, DE14 2EB between the hours of 10am – 3pm. Appointments must be made before visiting by emailing or by phone on 01283 508 000k


Draft Housing Choice Supplementary Planning Document consultation August 2022 (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council’s (ESBC’s) revised Draft Housing Choice Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2022 is now open for comments from residents, businesses, organisations and others.

The Housing Choice SPD is an important part of the guidance framework for the ESBC Local Plan. It describes how planning policy is to be applied in different circumstances when making planning decisions for housing. ESBC already has an adopted Housing Choice SPD (2019) but this revised version includes updates to reflect new government policy such as First Homes, how housing applications will be dealt with in Designated Rural Areas, how applications for small houses of multiple occupation (HMOs) in Burton on Trent will be assessed, and a number of other changes.

This updated document should be read as a whole, but some of the critical changes have been highlighted for convenience. The SPD cannot introduce new policy, but it can help to define how existing policies in the Local Plan will be interpreted in the light of changing government policy and East Staffordshire declaring both a climate change and nature recovery emergency over the past year.

The consultation on the Draft SPD will run for six weeks from 9am Friday 26th August 2022 to 5pm Monday 10th October 2022

Please make any comments to:

The Draft Housing Choice SPD (2022) can be viewed here

A copy of the Draft SPD can be viewed by appointment at East Staffordshire Borough Council, The Town Hall, King Edward Place, Burton upon Trent, DE14 2EB between the hours of 10am – 3pm. Appointments must be made before visiting by emailing or by phone on 01283 508 000

A copy of the Draft SPD has also been made available to the library at Burton upon Trent and Uttoxeter for public viewing.


Climate Change Draft SPD consultation May 2022 (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council’s Climate Change Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is now open for comments from residents, businesses, organisations and others.

The Climate Change SPD seeks to help the planning system achieve development which has a lower impact on the climate and to encourage developers to help mitigate the impacts of climate change. The SPD can’t introduce new policy, but it can help to define how existing policies in the Local Plan will be interpreted in the light of East Staffordshire declaring both a climate change and nature recovery emergency over the past year.

The guidance includes practical suggestions to help developers:

• Reduce carbon dioxide emissions by ensuring new development proposals incorporate sustainability measures

• Reduce energy demand in buildings by encouraging developers to look for wider energy efficient improvements, which should also cut heating costs

• Incorporate renewable energy technology into new developments, and when altering existing buildings wherever possible

The consultation on the SPD will run for six weeks from 9am Wednesday 4th May to 5pm Friday 17th June 2022

The Climate Change SPD can be viewed here.

Please make any comments to:

A copy of the SPD can be viewed by appointment at East Staffordshire Borough Council, The Town Hall, King Edward Place, Burton upon Trent, DE14 2EB between the hours of 9am – 3pm. Appointments must be made before visiting by emailing or by phone on 01283 508 000. A copy of the SPD has also been made available to the library at Burton upon Trent and Uttoxeter for public viewing.


Confirmed New Planning Rules - Small House of Multiple Occupation in Burton on Trent

Confirmed New Planning Rules Concerning small Houses of Multiple Occupation in the Burton on Trent area - April 2022


Consultation on Removal of Permitted Development Rights from C3 (Dwelling House) to C4 (Small House of Multiple Occupation) in Burton on Trent

Prior to the Article being confirmed, a consultation period will run from the 8th of December 2021 to the 17th of January 2022.

View the direction, notice, map, and covering letter 

Comments should be e-mailed to


Draft Statement of Community Involvement (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council have prepared a draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and are inviting your views. The Statement of Community Involvement provides guidance on how local communities can be involved on key development plan policies and decision making.

In addition, the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out clearly how the Council will engage local communities in decision making and in creating and reviewing the plan documents that make up the Local Plan for the area.

The SCI will be published for consultation on Monday 3rd August 2020 until 5pm Monday 14th September 2020. We would welcome your views on the document. Any representations will be considered and reported to Members. Any proposed consultation changes, if accepted, will be incorporated into the final adopted document for use in determining planning applications.

The document can be viewed in full via the link below:

If you require a hardcopy of the consultation document, please put in your request by email or by phone:

Phone: (01283) 508611

Draft Parking Standards and Brewery Building Conversion Supplementary Planning Documents (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council have prepared two draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and are inviting your views. Supplementary Planning Documents provide guidance on key development plan policies and how they will operate.

The Parking Standards (SPD) provides applicants and developers (including valuers, landowners, and other interested parties) with information about the Council’s parking requirements, to assist in the planning of new development proposals and in making planning applications.   

The Brewery Building Conversion Design Guidance (SPD) provides advice to applicants and developers (including valuers, landowners, and other interested parties) to guide the development and reuse of Brewery Buildings. Good design standards will support preserving the long and rich history of Brewing in Burton (which dates back as far as the 12th Century).

The two SPDs will be published for consultation on Monday 20th July 2020 until 5pm Monday 31st August 2020. We would welcome your views on the documents. Any representations will be considered and reported to Members. Any proposed consultation changes, if accepted, will be incorporated into the final adopted document for use in determining planning applications.

Comments should be e-mailed to

The documents can be viewed in full via the links below:

If you require a hardcopy of the consultation documents, please put in your request by email or by phone:

Phone: (01283) 508611

Draft Housing Choice and Planning Obligation Supplementary Planning Documents (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council have prepared two draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and are inviting your views. Supplementary Planning Documents provide guidance on key development plan policies and how they will operate.

The Housing Choice SPD provides applicants, developers including housing associations and other registered providers, valuers and landowners with information about the Council’s requirements, to assist them in planning new housing developments and making planning applications.   

The Planning Obligations SPD provides advice to customers and interested parties on when Planning Obligations (also known as S106) are likely to be required as part of new development and the process in agreeing the S106 through the application process. This SPD does not introduce new obligations or policies, but lists all potential requirements in one document to assist applicants. Where further detail is found in other guidance or documents, these are signposted.

The two SPDs will be published for consultation on Friday 6th September until Friday 18th October 2019. Any representations will be considered and reported to Members with any proposed changes to the documents and, if accepted, adopted for use in determining planning applications.

Comments can be e-mailed to

The documents can be viewed in full via the links below:


Shopfronts Supplementary Planning Document and Separation Distance and Amenity Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council have prepared two draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and are inviting your views. Supplementary Planning Documents provide guidance on key development plan policies and how they will operate.

The Shopfronts SPD provides advice on what important features make a good, well designed shopfront. The guidance will ensure the Borough continues to have vibrant and attractive town and local centres.  

The Separation Distance and Amenity SPD provides advice on spacing standards for new residential developments to ensure that existing and future residents have a good level of amenity and privacy to enjoy the place where they live.

The two SPDs will be published for consultation on Monday 24th June 2019 until Monday 5th August 2019. Any representations will be considered and reported to Members with any proposed changes to the documents and, if accepted, adopted for use in determining planning applications.

Comments can be e-mailed to (link sends e-mail).

The documents can be viewed in full via the links below:


Open Space and Playing Pitch Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council has prepared a draft Open Space and Playing Pitch Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide guidance for the provision, adoption and future maintenance of outdoor open space and playing pitches directly needed as a result of new development within the Borough.  It makes clear what is expected when deciding planning applications by setting out both the quantitative and qualitative amounts of recreational open space required by new proposals along with highlighting the playing pitch priorities for the Borough.

The Open Space and Playing Pitch SPD will be published for consultation on Tuesday 13th November until Wednesday 2nd January 2019. Any representations will be considered and reported to Members with any proposed changes to the document and, if accepted, adopted for use in determining planning applications. Comments can be e-mailed to (link sends e-mail).

You can view the consultation documents via the links below:


Conservation Area Boundary Amendment Consultation (Rocester) (Now Closed)

Following consultation on the Conservation Area Appraisal in July 2015 and Boundary Amendment in 2016 it is now necessary to consult again on the boundary amendment for the Rocester conservation area. The Council are welcoming views on the boundary amendments from Monday 6th August 2018 until Thursday 20th September 2018 . Comments can be e-mailed to

View the Rocester Conservation Area boundary amendments.


Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council is consulting on a draft Parking Standards (SPD) from Tuesday 6th June until Tuesday 18th July 2017.

The purpose of any Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to provide additional guidance on key development plan policies and how they will operate. The Parking Standards SPD has been prepared to guide landowners and developers in achieving the council’s objectives for high quality development across East Staffordshire.

We would welcome your views on the document. Any representations will be considered and reported to Members with any proposed changes to the document and, if accepted, adopted for use in determining planning applications.

View the Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Comments can be made via email to or in writing to Planning Policy, P.O. Box 8045, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 2JG no later than 5pm Tuesday 18th July 2017.

Alternatively you can make comments online through our consultation portal at:

If you have any queries regarding the consultation document please contact the Planning Policy Team via email or phone 01283 508611.


Conservation Area Boundary Amendment Consultations (Now Closed)

Following consultation on the Conservation Area Appraisals in July 2015, it is now necessary to consult separately on the boundary amendments for three conservation areas. The Council are welcoming views on the boundary amendments by Monday 28th November 2016. Comments can be e-mailed to

The Conservation Area boundary amendments can be viewed below:


Local Validation Requirements Consultation (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council has carried out a review of the local validation requirements and would welcome your views.

The key changes are highlighted within the document below.

Local Validation Checklist

All comments must be made to or in writing to Planning Policy, P.O. Box 8045, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 2JG no later than 5pm Wednesday 20th April 2016

Alternatively you can make comments online through our consultation portal at:

All comments received will be appraised and the checklist revised if applicable prior to formal adoption. The final version will then be available to view at:


Housing Choice SPD Consultation (Now Closed)

East Staffordshire Borough Council is consulting on a draft Housing Choice SPD from from Friday 22nd January until 5pm Friday 4th March. The  purpose of  any Supplementary  Planning  Document  (SPD)  is  to  provide additional  guidance  on  key  development plan policies and how they will operate. The Housing Choice SPD provides advice on the Council’s approach to creating and maintaining  sustainable and inclusive mixed communities including affordable, market and specialised housing.

This SPD will provide applicants, developers including housing associations and other registered providers, valuers and landowners with information about the Council’s requirements, to assist them in planning new housing developments and making planning applications.

The SPD can be viewed below:

Housing Choice SPD