• Current Introduction
  • Contact Details
  • Site Information
  • Site Ownership and Future
  • Market Interest and Utilities
  • Additional Site Details
  • Final Submission
  • Complete

Call for Sites - Submission Form

  • Please complete this form if you would like to suggest land for future development within the Borough of East Staffordshire
  • A separate form should be completed for each site suggested.
  • Please attach an Ordnance Survey map at no less than 1:1250 clearly showing the precise boundaries of the site. The area of the site you wish to be formally assessed should be enclosed by a red line. Any other relevant land under your ownership should be enclosed by a blue line.
  • Where possible, please also submit a Shapefile identifying the site, they can be produced and exported via MagicMap - https://magic.defra.gov.uk/MagicMap.aspx
  • Submissions should make clear that the land is owned by or under the control of the person making the submission, or they genuinely have the means to acquire the land.

Please note: In submitting a site you consent for your name, name of the organisation and who you are representing (where applicable) to be made publicly available.