Local Plan Review 

The Local Plan was reviewed at an Extraordinary Council meeting on 19th October 2020. This review was undertaken in line with policy SP6 of the Local Plan and Regulation 10A of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning)(England) Regulations 2017 as amended.

The recommendation that the update to the Local Plan, be delayed for a maximum of 5 years, was agreed. As such the adopted Local Plan remains in use, and forms part of the Development Plan for East Staffordshire.

Each year the Council assesses the Plan in the light of recent appeal decisions, the latest version of the NPPF, national guidance, and other factors. Reviews took place in 2021 and 2022, which can be found here: Reg 10a Review 2021 and 2022.

The 2023 review can be found here. The review found the Plan to be up to date for the purpose of decision making. Links to the associated documents can be found below -

Local Plan (2012-2031)

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East Staffordshire Borough Council has now adopted the Local Plan which has a plan period of 2012 to 2031. The Plan and Policies maps can be reviewed below:

Further information can be found on the Examination page.

Other documents that form the Development Plan are below:

Previous Local Plan Stages

Local Authorities are required to keep their Local Plans up to date and in 2007 East Staffordshire Borough Council started work to review the 2006 Local Plan and replace it with a new Local Plan. The stages of the Local Plan can be viewed below:

Core Strategy Issues and Options' consultation document 2007

This document identified the key issues that need to be address in the future development of the borough.

'Strategic Options' consultation document 2011

This consultation document was produced as a way to re-engage the public and other stakeholders in the plan preparation process following a delay following the Issues and Options in 2007.

‘Preferred Options’ consultation document 2012

This consultation document presents the Council’s view on the range of options it has considered to date, and any new ones, and sets out a Preferred Option for the Local Plan.

'Pre-submission Local Plan' consultation document 2013

This consultation is the final consultation on the Local Plan before it is submitted to the Secretary of State for examination. It formalises the development strategy and considers submitted representations on whether the plan is sound thereby informing the planning inspector.

Sustainability Appraisal

Helps show how the Council has assessed the various strategic and development site options.

Submission Local Plan

Following consultation on the Pre-submission Local Plan, the Council has now submitted the Local Plan to the Secretary of State for examination. Follow the link above to view all submission documentation.


Once known, further details about the examination of the East Staffordshire Local Plan will be provided here.

Habitat Regulations Assessment

The Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) is required by European legislation and relates to the impacts of a plan or project on the integrity of a Natura 2000 site and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC).

Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out East Staffordshire Borough Council's policy for involving communities when the Council are preparing and revising planning documents and considering applications for planning permission.

Local Development Scheme

The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is the project plan for the Local Plan. It sets out the timetable of the stages when the Local Plan and other relevant Local Development Documents will be prepared.

Previous Local Plan (2006) - NOW REVOKED