Multi-Agency Initiative to Tackle Fly-Tipping and Anti-Social Behaviour in Anglesey

As part of the ongoing ‘Tackle the Tippers’ campaign and the Council’s commitment to addressing fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour, teams from across the Council and partner agencies have united to provide a high profile presence in the Anglesey Ward.

The recent initiative was attended by the Mobile CCTV Enforcement Officer, as well as officers from the following teams: Enforcement, Community and Civil Enforcement, Selective Licensing, and Street Services. These teams were joined by Staffordshire Police and ASB Harmony (Victim Support), resulting in:

  • 23 Duty of Care inspections on premises within the area to ensure any waste was disposed of correctly with 13 requiring follow on action where issues were identified.
  • 6 premises needing to be referred to Trading Standards for selling vaping devices outside of the required limit.
  • 5 empty properties being identified with follow on action.
  • An unlicensed mobile scrap collector identified who is now under investigation.
  • 12 properties identified with rubbish in front gardens with follow on action being undertaken.
  • A fly tipping incident with evidence to suggest the identity of the offender, now under investigation.
  • 1 commercial premises with rubbish to the side carpark – the shop keeper has been informed and given two days to remove.
  • 1 matter brought to the attention of Staffordshire Police for their action.
  • 18 large bulky waste items collected from the Ward.
  • A Fixed Penalty Notice served to a resident for failing to have a receptacle to pick up and dispose of dog faeces.

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste or bulky items on land that is not licensed to receive it and can consist of anything from black bags of waste to furniture being left outside of properties, including mattresses and fridge freezers, to large scale deposits of waste in rural areas.

Fly-tipping is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Officers will be issuing Fixed Penalty Notices of £400 where the offender can be identified and for prosecution cases, the Courts have various powers available to them to deal with fly-tipping, including imprisonment, unlimited fines and an order to deprive rights to a vehicle used to commit the offence.

Cllr Simon Slater, Cabinet Member for Communities and Regulatory Services, said: “It is important that residents are aware of what exactly constitutes fly-tipping, as this is the best way to avoid unwanted fines. If you are hiring someone to dispose of your waste, please make sure to ask to see their waste carrier’s license to ensure your waste is disposed of in an appropriate manner. If ever you are in doubt, please visit the Council’s website for further guidance.”

We would ask anyone in the Borough with waste to dispose of to adhere to the following:

  • Do not fly-tip waste and ensure it is disposed of correctly. This includes not leaving any items on the pavement or on Council land, including mattresses, fridge freezers and other furniture or items left out for ‘scrap collectors’. This will still be classed as fly-tipping and can be a hazard to anyone passing by.
  • Ensure that anyone employed to take your waste away is reputable and licensed. Ask to see a copy of their waste carrier’s licence and also ask for a receipt (often called a ‘tipping note’). A legitimate waste carrier will not mind waiting whilst you make your enquiries. If the waste is later found fly-tipped and traced back, action can be taken against you. You can receive a £200 Fixed Penalty Notice or be prosecuted.
  • Checks can also be made by contacting the Environment Agency on: (03708) 506 506, Monday- Friday, 8am to 6pm or accessing the public register list.
  • Be aware that the Council offers a bulky waste collection service to collect and dispose of larger items. A bulky waste collection can be arranged via the East Staffordshire Borough Council website or by telephoning 0800 269098.

Anyone wanting further information or wanting to report any incidents of fly-tipping can contact the teams on (01283) 508506 or report via the East Staffordshire Borough Council website.