East Staffordshire Borough Council is changing its cabinet portfolio responsibilities.
The Selective Licensing Team at East Staffordshire Borough Council have successfully won another three cases where Financial Penalty Notices were served on a Landlord who let out a privately rented properties on Branston Road without a licence in place.
East Staffordshire Borough Council has received a £510,000 grant from Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund to install 600 solar panels at Meadowside Leisure Centre in Burton on Trent.
East Staffordshire Borough Council recently hosted its first Climate Change Forum for Town and Parish Councils, bringing together local representatives to discuss community-level climate action.
Did you know 35% of heat is lost through uninsulated walls and 25% through uninsulated roofs? Heating upgrades, insulation and solar panels can significantly reduce your bills and create a warmer home.
As part of East Staffordshire Borough Council’s commitment to combat fly tipping and the ongoing Tackle The Tippers campaign, Officers from the East Staffordshire Borough Council’s Community and Civil Enforcement and Enforcement Teams joined forces to undertake an initiative on the 11th December
East Staffordshire Borough Council has announced the Christmas opening hours for its facilities.
The main council offices will close on Tuesday 24th December at 4:00pm and will open again at 9:00am on Thursday 2nd January 2025.
On Monday 25th November 2024 East Staffordshire Borough Council held a partnership event with Trent & Dove Housing to raise awareness of the White Ribbon campaign.
The Selective Licensing Team at East Staffordshire Borough Council have successfully won another appeal to enforce a Financial Penalty Notice that was served on a Landlord who let out a privately rented property on Uxbridge Street, Burton without a licence in place.
Residents and visitors to Burton upon Trent are in for a festive treat this Christmas as East Staffordshire Borough Council announces a host of festive activities and events, supported by Everyone Active, Pyrotex Fireworx & Scorpion Events Solutions.