East Staffordshire Celebrates Ukrainian Independence Day

East Staffordshire Borough Council is showing solidarity with the people of Ukraine by celebrating Ukrainian Independence Day on Thursday 24th August 2023.

This year’s celebrations mark 32 years since Ukraine’s declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

To mark the occasion, the Council has invited Ukrainian guests and sponsors from across the Borough to join the Mayor of East Staffordshire in a flag raising ceremony outside Burton Town Hall. This event will take place at 10:00am on 24th August and is to be followed by refreshments with the Mayor inside the Town Hall.

Cllr Simon Slater, Cabinet Member for Communities and Regulatory Services, said: “Over the last few years, households from across East Staffordshire have welcomed Ukrainian refugees into their homes, demonstrating the Borough’s continued solidarity with the country.

“Ukrainian Independence Day provides us an opportunity to celebrate the country of Ukraine and its people, whilst ensuring we do not forget what is happening in their home country. East Staffordshire Borough Council continues to stand with the Ukrainian people in their ongoing struggle against oppression to ensure freedom, democracy and self-determination are preserved.”