New elite machines installed on Council car parks

East Staffordshire Borough Council is pleased to announce the installation of new car parking payment machines on three of its main car parks.

Coopers Square and Burton Place in Burton and The Maltings car park in Uttoxeter are all going to have the new style machines installed which will be capable of taking both cash and contactless card payments making it easier for users.

The works will start on Wednesday 18th April and are expected to be completed by Tuesday 24th April 2018.

The new machines, which will cost £80,000, are to replace the existing machines that have been in situ for many years, and will reduce maintenance costs and officer time spent repairing faults and ‘coin jams’.  

Parts from the machines that are to be removed from Coopers Square, Burton Place and The Maltings will be used as spares for those machines in other Council managed car parks, prolonging the effective life of these pieces of equipment and saving the Council money in the future.

Councillor Greg Hall, Deputy Leader for Regulatory Services, said: “It’s important that the Council continues to improve the service that it offers to residents and visitors to the borough.

“Starting with our largest car parks first, we are installing new, modern machines that provide a variety of payment options for our car park users and will futureproof the three largest Council owned car parks in the borough.

“Contactless card payment is commonplace in car parks across the Country so it’s important that we invest in our facilities giving our users a more convenient payment option.”

Throughout the installation works there will always be at least one machine available to users to pay for their parking ticket. The Council’s Community & Civil Enforcement Officers will also be on hand to advise the public of how to use the new style machines, which will take both cash and card and contactless payments, and the machines will give clear instructions on use.