Obtaining pre-application advice is not compulsory but is advisable as it can result in the resolution of difficult issues prior to submission of a planning application.

Below is a list of things that you may expect to get from using this service.

  • Identification of the relevant policies against which the proposal will be assessed;
  • Identification of the key constraints and formal designations affecting the site;
  • Identification of the relevant site planning history;
  • Assessment of the proposal in terms of the principle of the development, design, landscaping, highway matters, residential amenity, ecology, heritage assets, flooding and drainage, open space and sports provision, education and affordable housing (where relevant);
  • Guidance on likely content of Section 106 agreement/planning obligation where required.
  • Confirmation of the supporting information likely to be required when submitting your application to ensure it can be registered quickly;
  • Guidance on how best to undertake your pre-application public consultation where this is appropriate;
  • An informal indication of the likely outcome of your proposed development, with an indication, where possible, of how it could be amended to improve the chances of a successful outcome;
  • A letter and report substantially in the form of this example. Example report householder and example report non householder.

Once you have received a written response to your request for pre-application advice, the officer handling your request will be happy to enter into dialogue in respect of the advice and any next steps you need to take. If this results in substantive re-negotiations, further meetings or consideration of a different scheme, an additional fee may be charged.

For information on how to apply please visit the apply for pre-application advice section.

You are advised the service is provided solely on the basis of records available to the Local Planning Authority and whilst internal consultations (for example with Housing, Environmental Services and Open Spaces) are included in the service no consultations are undertaken with external statutory undertakers (for example County Highway Authority, Environment Agency, National Highways etc.)