Benefits of the pre-application advice service

Obtaining pre-application advice is not compulsory, but is advisable as it can result in the resolution of difficult issues prior to submission of a planning application. Development outcomes are generally better if applicants engage early on with the planning department as it avoids applications being refused unnecessarily.

We therefore encourage and welcome the opportunity to provide advice before an application is made.

There are considerable benefits in seeking advice before making an application:

  • Opportunity to understand how planning policies will be applied to your development;
  • Facilitates shared understanding of the planning framework for decision-making and the pressures within the development industry which influence the detail and delivery of schemes;
  • Identifies at an early stage where there is a need for specialist/technical input, for example on listed buildings, trees, landscape, noise, transport, contaminated land, ecology and archaeology;
  • Assists you or your agent in preparing proposals for formal submission which, providing you have taken our advice fully into account, is likely to be handled more efficiently;
  • May indicate at an early stage that a proposal is contrary to planning policy and completely unacceptable, saving you the cost of pursuing a formal application;
  • Reduced risk of an application being rejected at registration stage because of inadequate or insufficient information;
  • Saves time in processing your application because potentially contentious or problematic issues have been addressed prior to the submission of a formal application.

For information on how to apply please visit the apply for pre-application advice section.

You are advised the service is provided solely on the basis of records available to the Local Planning Authority and whilst internal consultations (for example with Housing, Environmental Services and Open Spaces) are included in the service no consultations are undertaken with external statutory undertakers (for example County Highway Authority, Environment Agency, National Highways etc.)