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Organisation details
Name of organisation
Name of main contact
Organisation address
Telephone number
E-mail address
Type of organisation
Registered Charity
Constituted community group/organisation
Community Interest Company (CIC)
Community Benefit Society
Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
Limited Company (with charitable status)
Enter other…
Project information
In no more than 15 words please choose a title that best explains your project?
What do you want to do?
Where will your project take place? Please provide details about the specific location for your project.
How will your project involve and/or benefit the local community?
Why is your project needed?
Does anyone else need to be involved to help make your project happen?
Project Funding
What is the total cost of your project?
What other sources of funding are you exploring for your project?
Ward Councillor support – Has your project received support from your local Ward Councillor(s)?
Confirmation of this support must be included with the submission of your Expression of Interest.