Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation Developer Contributions

Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation Developer Contributions

When is it required?

For all proposals within 15km of the Cannock Chase SAC which involve the creation of a dwelling. This includes new build dwellings, conversion of buildings into dwellings, prior approval applications for the creation of dwellings and agricultural workers dwellings.

What is this?

A statement of willingness committing the applicant to pay a financial contribution towards mitigation for the Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation confirming that the Cannock Chase SAC will not be affected by the proposed development. The applicant will need to sign a unilateral undertaking and pay the LPAs costs in signing the document prior to the decision notice being issued.

Why is this required?

The Council has sufficient evidence to demonstrate that an increase in 1 net dwelling or more within the 15km zone  of the Cannock Chase SAC will have an adverse, in combination effect on the integrity of the Cannock Chase SAC in the absence of mitigation.  Where developments will result in a net increase of residential dwellings within the 15km zone of influence mitigation in the form of a financial contribution is required. The Cannock Chase SAC Partnership has agreed a series of mitigation and avoidance measures with Natural England. These are referred to as Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Measures (SAMMM).

Further Guidance