ESBC completes A38 Litter Clean Up

East Staffordshire Borough Council has now completed its night time operations to clean up litter on a southbound section of the A38. Working alongside Highways England, who is responsible for maintaining the trunk road, the Council has collected over 3 tonnes of waste that had been discarded by the public.

Councillor Ray Faulkner, Deputy Leader for Environment, said: “The A38 is a major route through the Borough and has significant importance to the local economy. Nobody likes to see litter on the roadside, and we hope drivers notice a real difference now so much has been removed.

“It is unfortunate that a small minority of drivers continue to discard their waste whilst driving along the A38. The cost of these litter picks could clearly be avoided if motorists gave greater consideration to our local environment and took their litter home.

“ESBC operates a zero tolerance approach to offenders and has the authority to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to anyone seen dropping litter. Drivers should remember that littering is a criminal offence and you can be taken to Court and, if found guilty, you could face a fine of up to a maximum of £2,500 and a criminal conviction”.