ESBC announce plans for A38 clean-up programme

East Staffordshire Borough Council has announced a programme to improve the cleanliness of the southbound carriageway of A38 between Claymills and Branston.

The A38 is a main trunk road that runs through East Staffordshire and, due to the high volume of traffic, it’s only possible to collect litter from the roadside when a lane or the road is closed.

Working alongside Highways England, the Council plans to coordinate its street cleaning programme with the regular maintenance work that Highways England undertakes, ensuring minimal disruption to motorists and providing Council officers with a safe working environment.

Councillor Raymond Faulkner, Deputy Leader for Environment, said: “The A38 is a busy road and as a result can accumulate a large quantity of litter which is both unpleasant and harmful to the environment.

“By working alongside Highways England, we can focus our street cleaning efforts to ensure that the A38 and its access roads are litter picked on a regular basis.”

The works will take place overnight on Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th October 2020.