If you are a commercial property, East Staffordshire Borough Council can provide you with a collection service for your trade waste for a charge.

There is a charge for this service because under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, you are not entitled to a free collection.  Any business which seeks to dispose of its waste through the Council's domestic collection service is committing an offence under this Act.  The Environmental Protection Act 1990 places an onus on businesses and other organisations (other than householders) who produce waste to:

  • ensure that the waste they produce is suitably contained whilst awaiting collection so that it does not get blown away causing litter
  • ensure that the waste they produce is collected by a registered waste carrier and disposed of at a licensed site.

The Council can provide a service including bags and wheeled bins, offering a fortnightly, weekly or one off frequency depending on your individual requirements. We can also provide a recycling service for paper and cardboard to local commercial premises.

Small traders can now dispose of waste at both the Burton and Uttoxeter recycling centres under the small traders waste disposal scheme.

The WRAP Website offers more information and services available for business/trade waste.

For further information, please contact Environment Services either by telephone or e-mail.

Our address is :

Environment Services

East Staffordshire Borough Council

PO Box 8045

Burton upon Trent

DE14 9JG
