When is it required?
Proposals which raise issues of disturbance
a. Industrial or commercial uses near to residential property, including where external plant (such as air conditioning condensers) are proposed.
b. New residential property near to transportation noise sources.
c. New residential property near to existing industrial or commercial premises where industrial noise is the dominant source.
d. New entertainment premises near to residential property and new residential property near to places of entertainment.
e. Applications for A3/A4/A5 uses where a flue is proposed (see section above).
f. All applications for wind turbines.
What is this?
The Noise Impact Assessment should outline the potential sources of noise generation, and how these may have a negative effect on local amenity. The assessment should also outline how the developer intends to overcome these issues.
How the developer intends to overcome the issues should not be limited to façade treatments only. The developer will need to demonstrate how the choice of equipment as well as site layout and design has been considered to prevent issues. Sound insulation details normally relate to the type of glazing to be installed, but can include walls, floors or ceilings and may need to include details of any proposed ventilation where the glazing may need to be closed to safeguard the internal acoustics environment. The use of trickle vents in these circumstances will not normally be acceptable.
If the only element of an application requiring noise impact information is an extraction system or condenser unit the as long as the manufacturers details include the 'sound power level' this may suffice initially, however a full noise assessment could still be required once the application has been reviewed.
If a full noise impact assessment is required and cannot be carried out at the site then it should be carried out at a similar site elsewhere
Why is this required?
Noise Policy Statement for England, March 2010
National Planning Policy Framework (particularly Paragraph 180)
Calculation of Road Traffic Noise, 1988
Calculation of Railway Noise, 1995
World Health Organisation Guidelines for Community Noise
World Health Organisation Night Noise Guidelines for Europe
National Noise Actions Plans
Environmental Protection Act 1990
Clean Neighbourhoods Act 2005
Licensing Act 2003
Noise Act 1996
Further Advice
Applicants are advised to seek specialist expertise and to discuss their proposals in the first instance with East Staffordshire Borough Council’s Environmental Health Team on 01283 508578 or by email at ehsupport@eaststaffsbc.gov.uk at an early stage in the design and planning process to establish whether a Noise and Vibration Appraisal is required to be submitted alongside the planning application.
Guidance, procedures, recommendations and information to assist in the completion of a suitable noise and/or vibration survey and assessment may be found in the policies and guidance set out below.
World Health Organisation Guidelines for Community Noise.
World Health Organisation Night Noise Guidelines for Europe.
Explanatory Note to Noise Policy Statement for England
British Standards BS4142, BS8233, BS7445.
Dft Circular 02/2013 – see Paragraphs 45 to 48 and Annex A:A1
National Planning Practice Guidance
ProPG: Planning & Noise – New Residential Developments
IOA Good Practice Guide on Wind Turbine Noise – May 2013 and associated Supplementary Guidance Note