Heritage Statement/Assessment of Significance

When is it required?

A Heritage Statement will be required for all development within or adjacent to a designated conservation area or other heritage asset that has the potential to have an affect, including their setting. Heritage assets may be architectural, archaeological, historic or artistic. They include Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Registered Parks & Gardens and World Heritage Sites. Other local heritage assets may be identified through the pre-application process, or from reviewing the Historic Environment Record (held by Staffordshire County Council). 

NPPF Paragraph 189 states that as a minimum the relevant historic environment record should have been consulted and the heritage assets assessed using appropriate expertise where necessary. Where a site includes or has the potential to include heritage assets with archaeological interest, developers will be required to submit an appropriate desk-based assessment and, where necessary, a field evaluation.

What is this? 

This statement must identify the relevant heritage assets and describe how the development will affect the significance of any heritage assets.  A Schedule or Specification of Works should be included detailing all of the works proposed to take place to the listed building.

Please refer to the Heritage Statement/Assessment of Significance Pro-forma and Heritage Statement/Assessment of Significance Guidance Notes (applicants to attach a schedule of works).

Why is this required?

NPPF Section 16 sets out the reasons for conserving the historic environment. Paragraph 189 requires applicants to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting.

Guidance and links to further information

For applications for listed building consent, the statement has to explain:

•    the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the works;

•    how the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the works take account of:

(i)     the special architectural or historic importance of the building;

(ii)     the particular physical features of the building that justify its designation as a listed building; and

(iii)     the building's setting.

•    how in respect of applications, which do not relate solely to the interior of a listed building, issues relating to access to the building have been dealt with. Specifically:

(i)     explaining the policy that has been adopted as to access, including what alternative means of access have been considered, and how policies relating to access in relevant local development documents have been taken into account.

(ii)     explaining how that access policy takes account of the special architectural or historic importance of the building, the particular physical features of the building that justify its designation as a listed building; and the building's setting.

(iii)     stating what, if any, consultation has been undertaken on issues relating to access and what account has been taken of the outcome of any such consultation.

(iv)     explaining how any specific issues which might affect access to the building have been addressed.

Please refer to the Heritage Statement/Assessment of Significance Pro-forma and Heritage Statement/Assessment of Significance Guidance Notes

Descriptions of Listed Buildings can be seen using Historic England Map.

Historic England Scheduled Monuments

Access to Historic Englands pre application advice service

For applications for development within or adjacent to a designated conservation area or other heritage asset the statement should describe the significance of the heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting. The statement should then summarise the key characteristics of the development and its impact on the character and appearance of the area.

The statement should evaluate the development in terms of the following:

•    Assessment of significance of the heritage asset;

•    How the proposal contributes positively to the special interest, character and appearance of the conservation area;

•    Loss or alteration of property or feature e.g. wall, which makes a positive contribution to the special interest, character and appearance of the area;

•    Impact of any proposed new buildings on the special interest, character and appearance of the area;

•    Justification for the scale, massing, siting, layout, design and choice of materials, and impact of these on the special interest, character and appearance of the area;

•    Justification for the proposed use and impact on the special interest, character and appearance of the area in terms of anticipated levels of traffic, parking and other activity that would result.

Applications for development affecting a statutorily listed building or its setting should include a statement summarising the key characteristics of the development and its impact on the character and appearance, or setting of the building. Such an assessment should include appropriate photographs and schedule of works for new or restored features of architectural and historic importance. 

The statement should evaluate the development in terms of the following:

•    Statement of significance of the historic building and its setting;

•    The current status of the building and the contribution it makes towards the character of the surrounding area with reference to the current listing description;

•    The impact of the proposal on the special architectural or historic interest of the building and/or its setting – such as proposed alterations, extensions or demolition;

•    Justification for any proposed change of use, and impact of the proposed use and any physical alterations required to adapt the building for the new use;

•    Justification for demolition of all or part of a building including a marketing report where demolition is proposed on economic grounds, and a structural report when proposed on the basis that the building is structurally unsound;

•    Justification for “enabling development” required to fund the conservation, repair, restoration or adaptation of a building (where relevant);

•    Mitigation for loss of all or part of a building such as preservation by record or relocation elsewhere.

Applications for development affecting a non-designated heritage asset should include a statement summarising the key characteristics of the development and its impact on the character and appearance or setting of the heritage asset. This may form part of the Design and Access Statement.

Further Advice

Where a Character Appraisal or Conservation Area Document has been prepared for the Conservation Area, applicants will be expected to have regard to this when evaluating the impact of a proposal on the area and its setting:

Conservation Area Documents

Historic England Search the List 

Staffordshire County Council Extensive Urban Surveys (email: her@staffordshire.gov.uk)

Staffordshire County Council Historic Environment Record (email: her@staffordshire.gov.uk)

Historic England

Staffordshire County Council Historic Environment Assessments

The Hedgerow Regulations 1997: A Guide to the Law and Good Practice.

National Planning Practice Guidance

For strategic developments, applicants are advised to seek specialist expertise and to discuss their proposals with Staffordshire County Council’s Historic Environment section on 01785 277281 at an early stage in the design process.



Guidance and links to further information – Listed Buildings

For applications for listed building consent, the statement has to explain:

  • the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the works
  • how the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the works take account of
    • the special architectural or historic importance of the building;
    • the particular physical features of the building that justify its designation as a listed building; and
    • the building's setting
  • how in respect of applications, which do not relate solely to the interior of a listed building, issues relating to access to the building have been dealt with. Specifically:
    • explaining the policy that has been adopted as to access, including what alternative means of access have been considered, and how policies relating to access in relevant local development documents have been taken into account
    • explaining how that access policy takes account of the special architectural or historic importance of the building, the particular physical features of the building that justify its designation as a listed building; and the building's setting
    • stating what, if any, consultation has been undertaken on issues relating to access and what account has been taken of the outcome of any such consultation
    • explaining how any specific issues which might affect access to the building have been addressed

Please refer to the Heritage Statement/Assessment of Significance Pro-forma and Heritage Statement/Assessment of Significance Guidance Notes

Descriptions of Listed Buildings can be seen using Historic England Map.

Historic England Scheduled Monuments

Access to Historic England pre application advice service

Guidance and links to further information – Applications within or adjacent to a Conservation Area

For applications for development within or adjacent to a designated conservation area or other heritage asset the statement should describe the significance of the heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting. The statement should then summarise the key characteristics of the development and its impact on the character and appearance of the area.

The statement should evaluate the development in terms of the following:

  • Assessment of significance of the heritage asset
  • How the proposal contributes positively to the special interest, character and appearance of the conservation area.
  • Loss or alteration of property or feature e.g. wall, which makes a positive contribution to the special interest, character and appearance of the area.
  • Impact of any proposed new buildings on the special interest, character and appearance of the area.
  • Justification for the scale, massing, siting, layout, design and choice of materials, and impact of these on the special interest, character and appearance of the area.
  • Justification for the proposed use and impact on the special interest, character and appearance of the area in terms of anticipated levels of traffic, parking and other activity that would result.

Guidance and links to further information – Applications affecting a listed building or its setting

Applications for development affecting a statutorily listed buildingor its setting should include a statement summarising the key characteristics of the development and its impact on the character and appearance, or setting of the building. Such an assessment should include appropriate photographs and schedule of works for new or restored features of architectural and historic importance.

The statement should evaluate the development in terms of the following:-

  • Statement of significance of the historic building and its setting.
  • The current status of the building and the contribution it makes towards the character of the surrounding area with reference to the current listing description.
  • The impact of the proposal on the special architectural or historic interest of the building and/or its setting – such as proposed alterations, extensions or demolition.
  • Justification for any proposed change of use, and impact of the proposed use and any physical alterations required to adapt the building for the new use.
  • Justification for demolition of all or part of a building including a marketing report where demolition is proposed on economic grounds, and a structural report when proposed on the basis that the building is structurally unsound.
  • Justification for “enabling development” required to fund the conservation, repair, restoration or adaptation of a building (where relevant).
  • Mitigation for loss of all or part of a building such as preservation by record or relocation elsewhere.

Guidance and links to further information – Applications affecting a non-designated heritage asset

Applications for development affecting a non-designated heritage asset should include a statement summarising the key characteristics of the development and its impact on the character and appearance or setting of the heritage asset. This may form part of the Design and Access Statement.

Further Advice

Where a Character Appraisal or Conservation Area Document has been prepared for the Conservation Area, applicants will be expected to have regard to this when evaluating the impact of a proposal on the area and its setting:

For strategic developments, applicants are advised to seek specialist expertise and to discuss their proposals with Staffordshire County Council’s Historic Environment section on 01785 277281 at an early stage in the design process.